October is always a big month on the calendar for Quantum Wellness, as we aim to attend and give back to as many fundraising events in Breast Cancer Awareness month as we can. Our own CEO lost her mom to breast cancer so Pink October is one that is filled with hope for a cure and also sadness for those like her mom that lost their battle with this devastating disease.

This year Belinda Jane Dolan joined the Stanwell and Downer team at Meandu Mine, both of which joined forces to fundraise for Breast Cancer Awareness month and jointly raised more than $7,400. The funds were raised through the purchase of pink protective shirts, the sponsored efforts of two employees dying their hair pink and general donations throughout the month.

On Tuesday 30 October, the team came together to celebrate their fundraising efforts with a BBQ lunch, and were joined by Belinda who was guest speaker on behalf of the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) she accepted the cheque on behalf of the foundation and gave huge praise for those who went above and beyond to give back.

Every cent counts and talks like these go beyond fundraising. They serve as a reminder that prevention is better than cure. Caught early survival rates increase dramatically.

Belinda shared her personal story about her mother’s battle with breast cancer, and highlighted the importance of spreading awareness of the preventative measures of the disease that effects both women and men. She asked every single person in the room to both self-check and to go home to ensure any adult in their home also self-checks.  The funds raised will support life enhancing breast cancer research in Australia
“Whilst we don’t yet have a cure we do have ways of early detecting and it starts with us”.

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